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Archive for the ‘Natural Gas Procurement’ Category

Natural gas net imports in 2015 at lowest level since 1986

US Production of natural gas has been increasing over recent years, faster even than US consumption of natural gas.  However, the excess production is resulting in an increase in exports and by mid-2017 the US is expected to become a net exporter of natural gas. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Natural Gas Monthly U.S natural […]

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Morning Energy Blog – March 11, 2016

Equities and the Economy Yesterday was an extremely volatile day with the Dow having more than a 300 point swing! Before the U.S. open and while the European markets were trading ECB president Mario Draghi announced in his post-meeting press conference that basically the ECB was going “full monty” on QE which sent both European […]

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Morning Energy Blog – July 9, 2015

Equities and the Economy Good morning. It was Armageddon here in the U.S. yesterday. Although European stocks staged a rally after 4 consecutive losing days Asian shares, especially the crash that’s going on in China, and the Greek matter crushed U.S. stocks. The main indexes saw selling pressure all day and ended the day near […]

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