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Archive for the ‘Natural Gas Procurement’ Category

Natural gas prices in 2016 were the lowest in nearly 20 years

Due to mild weather, slowing residential and commercial demand, and near-record level storage inventories, natural gas monthly and annual prices for 2016 were the lowest since the late 1990’s. While it is not too late to take advantage of the low-price environment for natural gas, the EIA is expecting prices to be higher in 2017. […]

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Amount of natural gas in storage reaches new record

Total amount of natural gas in storage in the US has now surpassed the previous record, which was set in November 2015.  With the storage level expected to rise and winter on its way, will natural gas prices continue to stay at record lows? Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report Working […]

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Massachusetts Plan to Fund New Gas Lines Rejected by Court

The Supreme Court in MA has rejected a plan that would allow utilities to charge customers to help finance new natural gas pipelines.  The good news for customers is they will not be charged additional fees; the bad news is that customers are still susceptible to huge price spikes due to not enough natural gas […]

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Market Monitor – Southeastern US Natural Gas Outlook

Due to increases in power sector demand for gas, coupled with growing demand from the industrial sector in the region, overall natural gas demand in the Southeastern US is expected to grow by nearly 8 Bcf/d over the next 15 years. All these factors combine to create significant risk of higher natural gas basis prices […]

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