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Archive for the ‘Energy Deregulation’ Category

The Definitive Guide to Hiring an Energy Advisor, Part 1

As a large user of energy, you know that one of the key factors in making smart decisions is engaging the services of an energy procurement advisory firm. We have discussed this importance multiple times in our regular articles. These same articles have touched upon various aspects of the relationship between the energy advisor and […]

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10-Year Energy Agreements Are Growing In Popularity Among Large Energy Users. Are They Here To Stay?

In the world of finance and procurement, some of the preferred buzzwords include “conservative,” “stable,” and “predictable.”  Because of the need to keep operational costs as low as possible, energy procurement presents a unique set of challenges to businesses that use a lot of energy.   To begin with, energy commodities are volatile – and electricity […]

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80% of Businesses Choose Competitive Electricity Retailers in Deregulated Areas

About 17.1 million North American residential consumers (44 percent of those eligible) and most large business consumers (80 percent) have exercised their right to choose their own electric retail service providers, according to the Annual Baseline Assessment of Choice (ABACCUS), a report released by the Houston-based consulting firm Distributed Energy Financial Group (DEFG). About 39.2 million electricity customers in North […]

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