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Archive for the ‘Blog Article’ Category

The Future of Solar Looks Very Bright

For years, renewable energy options have existed under a stigma: It sure would be a nice thing to do, but the up-front setup cost is just too high. When looking at these “nice” solutions like solar power, companies often consider the notion of “grid parity,” too. Is the cost of renewable energy on par with […]

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The Definitive Guide to Hiring an Energy Advisor, Part 2: Covering Energy Supply Needs from Soup to Nuts

In our previous installment, we started a five-part series with advice for the energy buyer when engaging an energy advisory firm to assist with the procurement and management of energy supply. We highlighted the five key factors to consider: Experience Full-Service Solutions Wholesale Market Expertise Strategic Approach Independent Status We initially discussed how important “experience” […]

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10-Year Energy Agreements Are Growing In Popularity Among Large Energy Users. Are They Here To Stay?

In the world of finance and procurement, some of the preferred buzzwords include “conservative,” “stable,” and “predictable.”  Because of the need to keep operational costs as low as possible, energy procurement presents a unique set of challenges to businesses that use a lot of energy.   To begin with, energy commodities are volatile – and electricity […]

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Two Innovative Ways to Reduce Energy Costs with Little Investment

When you think about ways to reduce your organization’s energy costs, two solutions typically come to mind.  One is that you can work to procure a lower rate for your electricity or natural gas supply.  The other is that you can put together an energy efficiency program designed to reduce the amount of energy you […]

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Energy Aggregations: Lower Prices, Higher Cost?

Your organization’s electricity contract is set to expire, and you have to make a decision soon.  You’ve been told that you’ll get the best deal if you join a regional energy aggregation that already has a membership made up of around 20 organizations like yours.  You’ve also been assured that the size and membership of […]

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