Tradition Energy Blog

Negotiating Energy Supply Agreements: A Tricky Balancing Act For Even The Most Seasoned Procurement Professional

Everything seems to come down to price.  After all the talk and all the negotiation, ultimately the decision comes down to one question: “What am […]

who owns energy

Who Owns Energy? Why a Partnership Between Purchasing and Facilities Departments is Vital to Reducing Energy Costs.

Currently, more than 15 states have deregulated their electricity markets.  Natural gas is deregulated in nearly all states.  And while deregulation has created opportunities for savings and reduced electricity costs, it has also created conflicts between those who procure energy and those who manage it.

10-Year Energy Agreements Are Growing In Popularity Among Large Energy Users. Are They Here To Stay?

In the world of finance and procurement, some of the preferred buzzwords include “conservative,” “stable,” and “predictable.”  Because of the need to keep operational costs […]

Two Innovative Ways to Reduce Energy Costs with Little Investment

When you think about ways to reduce your organization’s energy costs, two solutions typically come to mind.  One is that you can work to procure […]

Natural Gas, Energy Prices, and Procurement. What’s Really Driving the Price You Pay for Energy?

As anyone in procurement can tell you, electricity is the most volatile commodity you will ever buy. One day, energy prices increase. The next day, […]

Why Constant Measurement of Energy Program Performance Is Vital to Reducing Costs

When was the last time you evaluated your energy risk management strategy to see if it was meeting your organization’s original expectations?  If it was […]

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