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Archive for the ‘ISO-New England’ Category

Energy efficiency cut New England prices by 24% in winter 2014

Energy efficiency savings lowered New England’s wholesale electricity prices by 24% in the winter of 2014, according to a report released Thursday by the Acadia Center, an energy advocacy group. Efficiency programs suppressed electric demand by 13.7% from January through March 2014, lowering payments to generators by $1.49 billion, the report said. With New England […]

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Market Monitor – ISO New England Rates Could Be Going Up

Sale of New Hampshire Power Plants Electricity rates could be going up for ratepayers in New Hampshire if Eversource (formerly Public Service of New Hampshire) successfully lobbies the New Hampshire Legislature to sell its power plants.  The potential rate increase stems from the fact that $400 million of new environmental controls at the Merimack station, […]

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