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Archive for the ‘EIA’ Category

Morning Energy Blog – April 24, 2015

Equities and the Economy Good morning and happy National Hairball Awareness Day. U.S. equities posted modest gains yesterday but it was good enough for the Nasdaq to close at its highest level in 15 years! Whoo-hoo! The tech heavy index rose 21 points (0.4%) ending at 5,056 surpassing the 15 year high set on March […]

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Morning Energy Blog – April 23, 2015

Equities and the Economy Good morning and happy National Talk Like Shakespeare Day. U.S. equities ended higher yesterday after a choppy day of trading. The Dow closed up 89 points and once again over 18,000 at 18,038. The S&P 5000 added 11 to 2,108. The Nasdaq finished 21 points higher at 5,035 which is just […]

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Morning Energy Blog – April 21, 2015

Equities and the Economy Good morning and happy National Chocolate Chip Covered Cashews Day. After getting pummeled on Friday I guess investors had a chance to think about the markets over the weekend and concluded things weren’t really as bad the price action warranted that day and came in Monday morning buying. The Dow jumped […]

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Morning Energy Blog – April 17, 2015

Equities and the Economy Good morning and happy National Cheeseball Day. U.S. equities ended very slightly lower yesterday than Wednesday with the Dow off 7 to 18,106, the S&P 500 down 2 to 2,105 and the Nasdaq ending 3 lower to 5,008. The Dow was up 57 points at one time during the day but […]

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New maps highlight geologic characteristics of U.S. tight oil, shale plays

EIA is currently in the process of updating maps of major tight oil and shale gas plays, including the Eagle Fordand Marcellus plays, which will help to better characterize the geology of key areas of production in the United States. EIA’s most recent maps focus on shale and tight oil plays, and characterize plays based on geologic characteristics, including […]

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Morning Energy Blog – April 10, 2015

Equities and the Economy Good morning and happy National Sibling Day. U.S. equities ended a choppy session yesterday with modest gains helped by a rally in energy and the healthcare sectors. Trading was tight ranged with the Dow closing up 56 at 17,958, the S&P 500 adding 9 to 2,091 and the Nasdaq closing 24 […]

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Morning Energy Blog – April 9, 2015

Equities and the Economy Good morning. U.S. stocks have been meandering the last couple of days closing slightly down on Tuesday (although the price action on that day was terrible) and closing slightly up yesterday. As Richard Dawson used to say “Survey Says” Dow up 27 to 17,903, S&P 500 up 6 to 2,082 and […]

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Morning Energy Blog – April 8, 2015

Equities and the Economy Good morning. For over 80% of the day things were looking pretty darn good with the Dow up an average of 80 points for that time frame. And then the bottom just fell out. There was no major news. Sellers just came in. So instead of a nice, descent up day […]

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Morning Energy Blog – April 6, 2015

Equities and the Economy Good morning. U.S. stocks finished the Easter shortened week on a marginally positive note breaking two sessions of material losses. The Dow closed up 65 points at 17,763 and both the S&P 500 and Nasdaq added 7 points with the former ending at 2,067 and the latter 4,887. Now you may […]

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