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Archive for the ‘EIA’ Category

Morning Energy Blog – August 4, 2016

Equities and the Economy: The Dow ended its losing streak yesterday by climbing 41 points and closing at 18,355. Even though the losing streak was 7 consecutive sessions, the retreat equated to only 1.4% so the damage was minimal. A “flesh wound” by the Black Knight’s standards. The S&P 500 chalked up a gain of […]

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Morning Energy Blog – August 3, 2016

Equities and the Economy: It was a bad day for the bulls yesterday with the Dow and S&P 500 having their worst day in a month. The Dow lost 91 points, 0.5%, finishing at 18,324, the S&P fell 14, 0.6%, ending at 2,157 and the Nasdaq dropped 47 points, 0.9%, to 5,138. The Dow has […]

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Morning Energy Blog – August 2, 2016

Equities and the Economy Maybe it’s the dog days of summer, but U.S. equities have really been sedate of late, albeit the major indexes are indeed bivouacking near record highs. The S&P 500 did manage to hit a new high intraday but could not hold onto the gain and closed down 3 points at 2,171. […]

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Morning Energy Blog – July 29, 2016

Equities and the Economy: Yesterday was yet another soggy day for U.S. equities with the Dow falling for the 4th consecutive session closing down 16 points at 18,456, the S&P 500 up 3 to 2,170 and the Nasdaq finishing 15 points higher at 5,155. After posting a sharp rally in June and early July the […]

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Morning Energy Blog – July 28, 2016

Equities and the Economy: It was, as Yogi Berra said, “déjà vu all over again” on Wall Street yesterday with the Dow and S&P 500 pretty much closing flat to Tuesday’s closing numbers and the Nasdaq rising. The Dow lost 2 points to 18,472 and the S&P fell 3 points to 2,167. Total chatter. The […]

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Morning Energy Blog – July 27, 2016

Equities and the Economy: The Dow and S&P 500 were lackluster yesterday with the former off 19 points to 18,474 and the latter up a single point to 2,169 but the Nasdaq got a nice pop, thanks to Apple, rising 12 points, 0.24%, to 5,110 and at a new 2016 high. The “fruit” company posted […]

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Morning Energy Blog – July 8, 2016

Equities and the Economy For a change, U.S. stocks were pretty quiet yesterday closing mixed. While the Dow and S&P had marginal losses, 23 points to 17,986 and 2 points 2,098, respectively, the Nasdaq had a decent day rising 18 points ending at 4,877. It could have been worse for the Dow was down 100 […]

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Morning Energy Blog – July 6, 2016

Equities and the economy Investors and traders must have overloaded on hamburgers, hot dogs and BBQ on July 4th because they had no appetite for risk yesterday selling equities in Europe and the U.S. breaking a 4 session rally.  The Dow fell 109 points, 0.61%, closing at 17,841, the S&P 500 500 lost 14 points, […]

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Morning Energy Blog – July 5, 2016

Equities and the economy On Friday U.S. stocks booked a 4th consecutive gain with the Dow adding 19 points to 17,949, the S&P 500 gaining 4 to 2,103 and the Nasdaq rising 20 points to 4,863.  The Dow came within a whisker of its pre-Brexit close of 18,011 before retreating in the afternoon.  The S&P […]

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