Q3 Energy Market Outlook Webinar – ISO-NE

Don’t wait to plan for your school’s energy future! Connecticut energy prices are expected to skyrocket over the next few months.

Register for our Q3 Energy Market Outlook webinar recording for ISO-NE.

Northeast electricity markets are seeing the most significant year-on-year increases as they are uniquely exposed to international energy markets, with New England at the mercy of global LNG prices.

We are mid-way through injection season and still have 10% less gas in storage compared to the five-year average and more than 20% less than last year; once again, forecasts for natural gas prices for 2022 have been revised up significantly. The focus now turns to demands for gas to generate electricity during the remainder of summer demand. Still, with summer already setting records for heat and electricity demand, the outlooks are for a strong price environment will continue.

New England energy prices are at a crossroads and all paths ahead of us will likely lead to higher prices over the next several years. Be it from the global energy crisis, the transition to greener energy, or the increased demands due to electrification, New England energy budgets will likely be pushed higher for the next few years. Knowing what is coming so you can plan ahead might be the first step to protect overall budgets and mitigate negative impacts on town operations.

Register now and we will email you the recording.

Thank you!