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Tradition Energy Helps University Save $4 Million With Solar Power Purchase

Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program participation was key to reducing costs

Stamford, Connecticut, November 10, 2020 – Tradition Energy announces that it has advised a large private university in Boston, Massachusetts, on a renewable energy purchase that will eliminate millions of dollars from the school’s energy budget and provide support to their local community.

The university’s participation in the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program, established to promote long-term sustainable solar incentives that encourage cost-efficient solar development across the Commonwealth, was a key driver for the purchase.  With SMART program involvement, the school can participate in community solar, support renewable energy, and realize immediate savings with no upfront cost.  The university achieves savings by contracting with off-site solar projects in Massachusetts and by receiving monthly bill credits on their electricity invoices.

With this procurement, the university will offset more than 85% of its electricity usage per year with local solar generation and generate savings of over $4 million during the term of the community solar agreements.  Also, by committing to these projects, the school enables 2,600 area homeowners and small businesses to benefit from cost savings and green electricity.

“We are excited to help the university achieve their renewable energy goals,” said Alan Kurzer, CEO, Tradition Energy.  “When organizations go green, everyone benefits. Congratulations to the school and the citizens who make up their local community.”


G. Scott Merrell, Senior Director, Marketing, 713-609-9922

About Tradition Energy

Tradition Energy is the nation’s largest and most experienced independent energy risk management and procurement advisor, serving more than 1,300 commercial, industrial, and governmental clients ranging from Fortune 500 global companies to medium-sized businesses to local municipalities. Tradition Energy is part of the Tradition Group, a leading global institutional broker of financial and commodity products. Tradition employs over 2,300 people in 29 countries around the world and is publicly listed on the Swiss stock exchange (CFT).